Key policies & reports

A successful nursery is a combination of skilled and caring people with efficient and effective key policies.

We acknowledge that our key policies and procedures are fundamental to ensuring we maintain the highest standards at all times. 


Ofsted report November 2022:

“Staff plan an exciting and well-thought-out curriculum.”

“Children have countless opportunities to spend time outside, discovering the natural world around them.”

“Staff are nurturing and kind.”

“The leadership team has a clear vision and shows a great passion in wanting to give children the best start in their learning.”

“Staff give children's communication and language development a high priority. They model language well.”

“Partnerships with parents are very strong.”

Area of practice Ofsted rating
The quality of education GOOD
Behaviour and attitudes GOOD
Personal development GOOD
Leadership & management GOOD

Key policies

There are a few policies and procedures that govern the way we operate our nursery and these will be openly published to parents and Ofsted alike. These include health and safety, equal opportunities, child behaviour, parent partnership, staffing, nursery operations and child protection. Here are some of our policies and procedures that we have created and maintain as our guiding principles for managing the nursery:


15 key policies, ZIP file, 1.3 Mb